Two bad visits in a row

Friday the 15th, Alex’s grandmother (my mother), came up to visit the family and got to see Alex at his home, but he was in a fairly bad mood for the whole visit. We only spent an hour there, and he never really got happy during that time.

Today, Alex was driven up to see us, and we were very relieved to see that he was in a great mood. But within about an hour, he was unhappy, and an hour after it started, he was so difficult to manage that we had to cut the visit short and have him driven back home.

We had a great visit on the 13th, and the first hour today was really amazing, but his mood swings lately are really tough, especially with how great he had been doing just a few weeks ago.

Why giving hash early is the right approach

This past Saturday, Alex was driven up to visit us, and most of the visit was great, but there were a few incredible outbursts when we took him for a drive to Arby’s. He was doing so well we figured it would be fun to drive there and get him a little sandwich, and then take him to a playground. But seemingly out of the blue, he turned very violent. He was hitting, biting, headbutting, kicking, and refused to stay in his seatbelt. We started driving back home and he started to calm down some. Seeing this, we decided to risk the trip to the playground, and things went pretty well there for a little bit. He ate his sandwich and was mostly content for a while, but after a bit he started to seem a little anxious about something. We got him back in the car, but this time his rage was explosive. I got hit and headbutted a lot trying to keep him in his seatbelt, and he beat himself up quite badly. Continue reading “Why giving hash early is the right approach”

Addendum – March 2011

Well, today we had Alex over for a visit to our home, and I have to say it was amazing. It makes up for all the difficulties we’ve seen this month. He was happy, playful, talkative, and very attentive and focused. We successfully gave him the hash this visit, but from the staff caring for him it sounds like he’s actually been like this for a few days now.

As much as I’d like to see prohibition die, I’d give up the entire cause if Alex is getting better through some other means. I really hope the Sirolimus is part of the reason things are going so well, because that would mean a medication he’s allowed to use is finally making a difference. I really do want to see more medical research for marijuana, especially given how much it helped Alex (and it still could reduce his need for other dangerous medications), but seeing my baby do better is far more important than anything else.

Yesterday was really nice

We visited Alex yesterday. Since we know our days our numbered, we figure we can afford the extra gas that comes with visiting a lot again, so we’re going to try to get in a lot of visiting before he’s too far to visit more than once a week. Yesterday was one of those visits, and Alex was just amazing. Continue reading “Yesterday was really nice”

Fewer visits means better visits?

Ever since Alex stopped seeming comfortable with visits to our home, we’ve just taken to visiting him. But as much as we need to see him, we can’t see him as often as we have been. We’re down to twice a week now, and while I don’t like seeing him so little, I can tell I’m a lot less stressed out because of it. Trying for 3-4 visits a week was taking a lot out of me, I guess, especially since most of the in-home visits were so awful. Continue reading “Fewer visits means better visits?”