Alex’s mood has taken a major turn for the worse, as I mentioned a couple weeks ago, but now it’s gotten downright awful. The behaviors we’ve seen in the past three or four visits might be the worst since we placed him in his first home over two and a half years ago. Nothing consoles him, nothing comforts him, and nothing calms him down. I fully believe a regular dose of cannabis in his system would give him an overall better life, but I have to wonder if there’s anything at all that could help him when he gets this bad. Continue reading “Looks like we’re in for another rough patch”
Another month of quiet
I write to tell about what has happened in Alex’s life, or to mention exciting activism-related information. But Alex’s status hasn’t changed in such a long time that there hasn’t been much to say other than describing the up-and-down nature of our visits or talking about the (still several months off) vote on Measure 80. With the full-time job, 2-3 Alex visits a week, and our family situation in general, it’s tough to feel like writing after a long day.
Writing becomes even harder when Alex’s mood takes a turn for the worse. Continue reading “Another month of quiet”
OCTA makes the November ballot!
Check it out, straight from the state’s website:
7/13/12 Signature verification complete. Petition contained 88,887 valid signatures, or 58.53% of the 151,870 signatures accepted for verification. Qualified to the ballot for the November 2012 Election.
Looks like circulators did a MUCH better job in the final push than early on, because the petition “throw-out” rate went down from 11.5% to a mere six percent. Well done, guys! We still have to get a vote passed, but this is still an incredible step.
The OCTA signature drive is over, and…
The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act turned in just under 168,000 signatures, which is getting Oregonians pretty excited. We only need 87,213 valid signatures to get on the November ballot, and in 2010 we missed the mark by a huge number, so this is pretty good news.
Unfortunately, my math says we’re not guaranteed to get on the ballot – at best, we’ll barely pull it off. Read below for a full explanation, but my math says we’re going to be about 400 signatures short.
I hope I’m wrong, but only time will tell. The state has up to 30 days to give us a “yay” or “nay” on this one. Continue reading “The OCTA signature drive is over, and…”
Some Alex updates finally
Alex is up and down, as usual, though he had been doing really well from mid-June until about last week. We’re starting to get settled in, and finding time to visit him at least twice a week. Hopefully we can get that up to three times a week on average. Unfortunately, with everything still pretty busy, I have been forgetting to give him his tincture, and I suspect that’s part of why the last few visits have ended badly. When we were further from him, but remembering the tincture every visit, it seemed to be doing a great job of turning around bad visits within thirty minutes or so. Continue reading “Some Alex updates finally”
We’ve moved!
It’s been a long time since an update, primarily because of the move. We’re now about a twenty-minute drive from Alex, so we can see him throughout the week instead of only on weekends. Of course with all the craziness of the move, we still haven’t seen him as much as I’d like, but that should change as we settle in and get more of a routine going.
Not a lot else to say – too much stuff to still take care of today. Here’s hoping things can slow down in the next week or two….
Could the tincture be the final solution?
In the past ten or so visits, we’ve used the tincture probably six or seven times. So far, every single time we’ve used it, the visit has been really good. Continue reading “Could the tincture be the final solution?”
Medical situation
I’m only just starting to get everything back to normal after my medical issues (which started three months ago). I was put on medical leave for a month to try and heal up, and the situation still isn’t fully resolved (though I am better).
Even so, I need to put up some updates so here I am taking a late lunch break at work. I wish I had some video or even just a few pictures to go with it, but oh well. Continue reading “Medical situation”
Act now to stop prohibition!
In Colorado, a measure to legalize marijuana for adult use is going to be on the ballot. Is it absolute freedom and perfection? No, but vote for it if you live in Colorado. It looks like a darn good bill to me.
In Washington, another measure is going to be on the ballot. It’s got some concerning per se DUI law written into it, but I still urge people to vote for it. Why? Because that per se DUI law will likely go into effect eventually, as it has in so many other states
In California, there were a few ballot measures in need of signatures to get on the ballot. Unfortunately, the deadlines are too close, and it is being suggested that efforts be targeted to the Repeal Cannabis Prohibition Act: or
The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act still needs a ton of help and the deadline approaches fast. If you live here, help out!
Sign the petition to support President Molina’s efforts to discuss legalization in Central America. Put Biden in his place by stating that we have no business telling Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala, or any other country how to deal with the drug problem that we have created.
As always, make sure your elected officials know how you stand on things like HR 2306, and consider letting them know you consider this issue important enough to not vote for them if they don’t support it.
What happened to February??
It’s been a long time without an update, due to a complication with a “minor” surgical procedure on yours truly. Alex’s moods have been up and down, there’s not really much to say about them, but even so I’d prefer to say something certainly every month if not every week. However, I had a vasectomy recently and am one of the lucky few suffering a much longer than expected period of post-procedure pain. This cost me two visits with Alex, and has made other visits more difficult than usual. It also makes daily life very slow – my 1/2 mile walk to work (I work at a university, so I park pretty far from the building in which I work) is now about a 45-minute affair one-way. All of this combined has made writing about Alex one of the last things on my mind. Continue reading “What happened to February??”