Contact us if you can help in any way.
Legal advice would be very helpful, as we don’t know who to turn to in order to push for our son to be given some kind of exemption.
We’re also hoping for media exposure that will help spread our story to put pressure on the state to get our son the medicine he needs. Spreading the word for the OCTA petition is also important, as making marijuana legal in Oregon would be a huge step toward federal legalization. Voting “yes” on the upcoming California bill won’t directly help us, but it will still further the cause — if California legalizes marijuana, Oregon won’t be far behind.
If you just want to tell us you support our efforts, we appreciate all message along those lines. The more support we get, the harder we’ll be able to fight.
[contact-form 1 “Contact form 1”]
Please see our web site at and click the CONTACT button.
Most of the chlorella that is available in the U.S. is grown in Japan or Taiwan. It is processed and made into tablets and liquid extracts. These extracts contain “chlorella growth factor,” which is described as a water-soluble extract of chlorella containing chemicals including amino acids, peptides, proteins, vitamins, sugars, and nucleic acids…
Our new online site <,<~><(><(><+><‘><@><#><~>http:/<+><~><$><(>/
I sent you an email about the possibility of helping Alex and others like him. Please check your email! Thanks
Hi. My name is Elena and I am a mother of a young girl. She has seizures, brain injury and self injurious behaviour. I was hoping you can tell me if You noticed if Alex is building tolerance for marijuana. Thank you for your time. Elena
God bless little Alex and family
Would you be willing to try CBD again if it was given to you? There is a water soluble CBD with Turmeric that could potentially work better than what you were given before with CBD. for a video and more information.
We’re actually getting donations from somebody now, including a nearly-pure CBD extract. We’ll see what happens, it’s only been a week or two, so we’re still trying to get dosing figured out.
I have a 13 yr old who has severe autism and suffers from similar SIBs episodes along with other behaviors. He is non verbal and I’ve not happy with the pharmaceuticals has he does ok for a bit then always seems to build a tolerance. Back in December I started doing research and came across your story along with others (your sons behaviors looked all too familiar). I would love to be able to talk with mom or dad personally via phone. Please let me know if this would be possible. I need guidance
I don’t think talking with us would help a great deal, we’re still trying to figure things out ourselves. We have been giving Alex a twice-daily combined extract that has about a 50/50 ratio of THC and CBD. We’re still trying to figure out how to up the dose properly since the CBD extract is so dilute. We aren’t sure if a 50/50 ratio is best, or more CBD (probably not more THC), so we’re still working at it :-/