Comments on: Does Alex know us anymore? Autism, rage, marijuana, and heartbreak Thu, 05 Jul 2018 21:56:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: lani Tue, 16 Aug 2011 07:52:32 +0000 There is a family in California with a son very much like yours. The autistic son does not have tuberous sceloris, but he’s very similiar to your son and I think you’d find their case helpful. google severe autism and youtube.

By: lani Tue, 16 Aug 2011 07:25:17 +0000 God bless you for advocating for your autistic son. Medical cannabis/marijuana for autism is definately a promising treatment and is becoming more and more plausible for those of us who are living with severe autism and challenging behaviors that do not and have not responsed to orthodox treatments. Plus, the science behind medical cannabis is most interesting. It appears to be safer, less toxic and more thearepeutic than most of the drugs on the market to help autism. No, it’s not the magic cure, but for goodness sakes, if you know anything about autism and self injury you will have compassion and love to help these poor children and adults who suffer from such a devastating behavioral disorder comorbid with their autism. Research is clear there are few treatments that help autistic with aggression and self injurious behavior. Cannabis therapy , done right and done for medical purposes only, is one such promising alternative treatment. It’s too bad so many fakes and frauds who abuse the medical marijuana card are making it difficult for people who truly benefit from this life saving or life enhancing medication.

By: Dad Mon, 08 Aug 2011 19:00:54 +0000 It’s very possible I’m overreacting, but it’s hard not to wonder how Alex feels towards us. We only see him a few hours a week now, and his behaviors at our last visit certainly seemed awful considering he was fine before and after.

The disruption could indeed be a problem, and I hope that’s all it is, but even then we’re assured of more sad than happy visits. Still, your perspective does give me a bit more hope.

By: Jane (Spencer's mom) Sun, 07 Aug 2011 19:10:01 +0000 Do you think it could just be the “disruption” in his routine that upsets him? Not resentment at you or forgetting you but simply the fact that his daily routine is not routine on the days you all visit?

I can only imagine how heartbreaking it is for you and Karen. I often think of your Alex and your family and send nothing but good wishes and prayers.
