Post-KKI Alex

[ I apologize for the lack of contact, I’m actually at work right now delaying my “clock-in” time, so to speak, in order to write something up – it’s been a crazy, crazy couple of years ]

Initially, Alex went to a “crisis home” in Salem (I think that’s what it was called). It was okay, but they never really got a handle on his behaviors. The state shuffled him off to Creswell before he was stable in our opinion, though we couldn’t fault them really — we, his parents, never did, either. Nor did various doctors, medications, etc.

But the Creswell home is where things went downhill. It seemed like the goal was to figure out the cheapest way to keep Alex alive, as opposed to figuring out how to keep him engaged and keep his mind working. Continue reading “Post-KKI Alex”

Vote yes on Oregon measure 91

Alex visits are extremely draining when he’s almost three hours away (round trip). As such, I won’t be posting a lot about him unless there are major changes. But I figured our ballot measure is worth at least a quick mention.

A few weeks ago, New Approach Oregon got their cannabis legalization initiative on the ballot. It will be measure 91 on the ballot in November. Continue reading “Vote yes on Oregon measure 91”

I think I’m done

After stating the blog would go on, I haven’t touched it.

Partly I don’t feel like putting up more because I’m satisfied that Alex’s story was able to really be told. Partly I feel like the updates aren’t helpful since it’s just repetitive information – Alex is happy, now he’s unhappy, now he’s happy, and so forth.

But honestly, a lot of why I’m done has to do with Alex’s situation just not being one that makes for good updates. Continue reading “I think I’m done”

Why cannabis must be legalized – a non-user’s perspective

The federal government recently refused to reclassify cannabis, stating it still hasn’t been proven to have medical value. Of course, it’s a tough thing to prove when the government allows very limited research on the subject. And to be honest, even if they do reclassify it, we don’t much care anymore. We want full legalization, even though neither Alex’s mother nor myself use cannabis. Why? Continue reading “Why cannabis must be legalized – a non-user’s perspective”

OCTA makes the November ballot!

Check it out, straight from the state’s website:

7/13/12 Signature verification complete. Petition contained 88,887 valid signatures, or 58.53% of the 151,870 signatures accepted for verification. Qualified to the ballot for the November 2012 Election.

Looks like circulators did a MUCH better job in the final push than early on, because the petition “throw-out” rate went down from 11.5% to a mere six percent. Well done, guys! We still have to get a vote passed, but this is still an incredible step.

The OCTA signature drive is over, and…

The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act turned in just under 168,000 signatures, which is getting Oregonians pretty excited. We only need 87,213 valid signatures to get on the November ballot, and in 2010 we missed the mark by a huge number, so this is pretty good news.

Unfortunately, my math says we’re not guaranteed to get on the ballot – at best, we’ll barely pull it off. Read below for a full explanation, but my math says we’re going to be about 400 signatures short.

I hope I’m wrong, but only time will tell. The state has up to 30 days to give us a “yay” or “nay” on this one. Continue reading “The OCTA signature drive is over, and…”

Act now to stop prohibition!

In Colorado, a measure to legalize marijuana for adult use is going to be on the ballot. Is it absolute freedom and perfection? No, but vote for it if you live in Colorado. It looks like a darn good bill to me.

In Washington, another measure is going to be on the ballot. It’s got some concerning per se DUI law written into it, but I still urge people to vote for it. Why? Because that per se DUI law will likely go into effect eventually, as it has in so many other states

In California, there were a few ballot measures in need of signatures to get on the ballot. Unfortunately, the deadlines are too close, and it is being suggested that efforts be targeted to the Repeal Cannabis Prohibition Act: or

The Oregon Cannabis Tax Act still needs a ton of help and the deadline approaches fast. If you live here, help out!

Sign the petition to support President Molina’s efforts to discuss legalization in Central America. Put Biden in his place by stating that we have no business telling Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala, or any other country how to deal with the drug problem that we have created.

As always, make sure your elected officials know how you stand on things like HR 2306, and consider letting them know you consider this issue important enough to not vote for them if they don’t support it.

Thanks, Treating Yourself, reddit, and family

The past two months have shown a big surge in traffic to the site, and a TON of supportive comments and emails.

Last month I made a big post on Huffington Post, and got a lot of traffic, but it turns out it was more due to a share on Reddit than anything else. So to all the fine people on r/trees, thanks! If you haven’t seen r/trees, it’s a great place for 420-friendly people to exercise their right to free speech, something cannabis consumers too often feel they can’t (or shouldn’t) do. Continue reading “Thanks, Treating Yourself, reddit, and family”

Vote for Ron Paul?

I’m now a registered republican so I can vote for Ron Paul in the Oregon primaries. I’m not saying I’ll vote for him if he gets the nomination (so no political commentary, please), but I think he would bring issues up that too few Americans are considering. The drug war is by far the biggest issue that needs to move into the spotlight. Continue reading “Vote for Ron Paul?”

Interesting, informative video (and see their site,

Talks some about the science, the controversy, and specifically some of the newer information about the medical value of high-CBD cannabis. Sounds like “Canatonic” might be a good choice for Alex based on the new information I’m learning, and putting it into a glycerin tincture.

Thanks to everybody at Huffington Post who replied to my comment and helped me discover this information. I have little hope of getting Alex dosed in his home, but whenever we see a major shift in thinking, I’d rather have the information necessary to give Alex what he needs immediately.