Comments on: Cannabis reform 2012 — I’m looking at you, California Autism, rage, marijuana, and heartbreak Thu, 05 Jul 2018 21:56:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: lani Tue, 16 Aug 2011 07:29:40 +0000 Law enforcement officials obsessed with busting cannabis farmers and dispensaries have not learned that there are people who truly need cannabis and those who are abusing it. That said, it is illogical to assume that banning cannabis is a positive thing. The fact is, there are people whose lives are saved by cannabis. To those who abuse it for recreational use, well, that is their problem. And in NO way should their misuse of this drug make it okay to threaten, harass or otherwise intimidate those who need this medication for real reasons like autism and self injurious behavior. Obviously, these law enforcement folks have never lived with or witnessed an autistic person self multilating and who has not responded to legal, political correct drugs. My gosh, are they that ignorant?
